I’ve always loved helping people. 

I realized a few years ago that “coaching” is something I’d been doing for as long as I can remember. In my circle, I’ve always been known as the listener, the encourager, and the person that helps people get unstuck.

In my own life, I’ve experienced many of life’s challenges; divorce, becoming a single parent, burning out in corporate America, and losing loved ones. Through everything, I’ve learned, as so many of us do, that life is really a series of changes – of seasons – that test us. And we are left with two options at the end of the day: grow or stop blooming. 

After decades of working for others, I started coaching in 2015 to support more people in their journeys to keep blooming. We go through so much in our lives that can hold us back or take the wind out of our sails. And that’s why my passion is working with people like you through one-on-one sessions, seminars and workshops about how to keep moving and how to find purpose, even when all seems lost or uncertain.

You have so much to offer the world. 

Whatever changes you are facing, there are ways to move through it and keep going. There are ways to find the joy in the chaos, and there are ways to get to where you really want to be and not feel stuck where life has taken you. 

I’m here to help you make that possible. Let me know how I can help.

Michele Woodall Life Coach

In addition to the work I do as a certified personal coach, I also love spending time with my friends and family, dancing, reading, gardening, and pretty much everything about the beach! 

Always feel free to reach me or say hello - I'd love to get to know you:

michele@heymichele.com | contact | 919.309.5774